In a hilarious turn of events, actor Tom Hollander recently shared an amusing anecdote about an unexpected windfall he received, thanks to a mix-up involving fellow actor Tom Holland. Hollander, renowned for his roles in Pride and Prejudice and The White Lotus, disclosed the incident during his appearance on Late Night with Seth Meyers.
Tom Hollander revealed that due to the similarity in their names, he often finds himself mistaken for the Spider-Man star. However, the mix-up reached new heights when Tom Hollander discovered a rather surprising message in his mailbox. To his astonishment, the envelope contained a pay slip intended for Tom Holland, indicating the first installment of a substantial box office bonus for one of The Avengers films.
Tom Hollander Describes the Hilarious Mix-Up
Describing the mix-up, Hollander shared, “It was an astonishing amount of money. It was not his salary. It was his first box office bonus. Not the whole box office bonus, the first one. And it was more money than I’d ever (seen). It was a seven-figure sum,” recounting the incident to Meyers.
The unexpected windfall came right on the heels of Hollander hosting a BBC show, for which he earned a modest sum of USD 30,000. Reflecting on the mix-up, Hollander humorously remarked, “My feeling of smugness disappeared very quickly.”
Adding another layer of amusement to the story, Hollander mentioned encounters with “excited, then confused, then disappointed children” who mistakenly believed they were meeting the real Spider-Man.
Currently gracing the screen in FX’s anthology Feud: Capote Vs The Swans, where he portrays writer Truman Capote, Hollander continues to entertain audiences with both his acting prowess and unintentional financial adventures.
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