Actor Arun Govil, renowned for portraying Lord Ram in Ramanand Sagar’s iconic serial ‘Ramayana,’ expressed his views on the significance of Lord Ram in India’s culture and identity. Govil, who is invited to the grand event of Ram Mandir Pran Pratistha in Ayodhya alongside his co-star Deepika Chikhalia, emphasised that Lord Ram is a source of pride for the country and embodies essential virtues such as courage, seriousness, thoughtfulness, and respect for elders.
Arun Govil On His Role In Ramayana
In an interview, Arun Govil revealed that he was not initially the first choice for the role of Lord Ram and had expressed his desire to play the character to Ramanand Sagar. Initially rejected, the role was offered to someone else, but Govil was later called back to assume the iconic role. Despite gaining immense love and recognition through ‘Ramayana,’ Govil faced challenges in his professional life afterwards, receiving fewer roles as filmmakers found it challenging to envision him in different characters.
Reflecting on his journey, Arun Govil acknowledged that while ‘Ramayana’ limited his opportunities in films, the unparalleled love and respect he received outweighed any potential loss. He asserted that even if he had done 500 films, he wouldn’t have garnered the same level of affection and esteem. Describing the consecration ceremony of the Ram Mandir as ‘historic,’ Govil remains grateful for the enduring impact his portrayal of Lord Ram has had on his life and career.
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