Renowned veteran cinematographer and filmmaker Gangu Ramsay, a well-known figure among the legendary Ramsay Brothers known for their cult horror films, passed away at the age of 83. He had been undergoing treatment for health complications for the past month and breathed his last at Kokilaben Hospital in Mumbai on Sunday morning.
Gangu Ramsay, the second eldest son of F.U. Ramsay, leaves behind a legacy of remarkable contributions to Indian cinema. Survived by his daughter Geeta Ramsay and son Chander Ramsay, he was laid to rest at the Oshiwara Crematorium today.
Ramsay Brothers’ Horror Legacy
Having played a pivotal role under the Ramsay Brothers banner, Gangu Ramsay’s creative brilliance shone through in over 50 iconic films, including classics like ‘Veerana’, ‘Purana Mandir’, ‘Bandh Darwaza’, ‘Do Gaz Zameen Ke Neeche’, and ‘Khoj’ starring Rishi Kapoor.
Ramsay Brothers carved a niche for themselves in the horror genre, producing a plethora of B-grade films during the 1970s and 1980s, characterized by their distinct blend of horror and erotica. Their films, featuring zombies, vampires, werewolves, reanimated corpses, and snowmen, garnered widespread popularity.
Amborish Roychoudhury’s book, ‘In A Cult of Their Own: Bollywood Beyond Box Office‘, underscores the significance of the Ramsay Brothers in shaping the Indian horror film industry, citing the 1972 film ‘Do Gaz Zameen Ke Neeche’ as a milestone.
Legacy Of Gangu Ramsay
The Ramsay Brothers were a team, and they all brought something special to the table when making movies. Gangu Ramsay, in particular, was really good at capturing scary scenes on camera. But he didn’t just stick to horror movies; he also worked with big stars like Saif Ali Khan and Akshay Kumar, making a lasting impact on Indian cinema.
In addition to his cinematic endeavors, Gangu Ramsay made significant contributions to television, leaving an unforgettable mark with shows such as ‘The Zee Horror Show’, ‘Saturday Suspense’, ‘X Zone’, and ‘Nagin’.
Gangu Ramsay’s demise marks the end of an era in Indian cinema, leaving behind a legacy that will continue to inspire future generations of filmmakers.
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